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Prof. Dr. M. Rascle
Universität Nizza

A new continuum model of traffic flow

Abstract: The so-called continuum `second order' models - i.e. models with two equations (!!) - consist of a first equation for the mass conservation, and a second heuristic equation to describe the reaction of drivers to variations of the density. Classically, such models mimic the gas dynamics system. It is known that such models lead to severe inconsistencies, such as cars which start going backward, etc... !! In the first part of the talk, I will describe a new `second order' model, where a very simple fixing completely cures all the drawbacks of classical models. Then I will describe the zero-relaxation limit of this new model towards the famous Whitham model, namely the single conservation law

when one adds a singular relaxation term

to this new model.

Zeit: Dienstag, 27. April 1999, 17.00 Uhr
Ort: Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum, Takustr. 7, Seminarraum


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