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Dr. Peter Müller

Dept. of Oceanography, Univ. of Hawaii

Internal Wave Action Model

Abstract: Sufficient progress in internal wave theory and observation has been made to attempt the task of constructing a dynamical internal wave model.

One such model is the Internal Wave Action Model (IWAM). It makes the random phase, geometric optics and weak interaction approximations. It is based on the radiation balance equation (RBE), which describes changes of the action density spectrum due to forcing, propagation, interactions and dissipation. Integration of the RBE yields the action density spectrum in a region or globally for given environmental and forcing fields. IWAM will combine different dynamical processes into a coherent framework. Methodologically, it is similar to the WAM model developed by the surface wave community.

One important task is the 'derivation' of the source terms in the RBE. The general approach is demonstrated for the dissipation source term. First a physically motivated functional form with free parameters is assumed for the dissipation source function. The RBE is then solved for the reflection off a straight slope, where propagation and dissipation are assumed to balance. Comparison of the RBE results with observations and/or Large Eddy Simulations then allows the calibration of the free parameters.

Various other requirements for the construction of the IWAM model will be outlined.

Zeit: Friday, July 04, 2003, 16.00 Uhr
Ort:FU Berlin, Arnimallee 2-6, Raum 032 im EG


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