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George C. Craig

DLR Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen

Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Moist Atmospheric Convection

Abstract: Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Moist Atmospheric Convection George C. Craig, DLR Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen Cumulus clouds, because of their small size and rapid evolution, provide a stochastic forcing for the large-scale dynamics of the atmosphere. However, this stochastic aspect is usually ignored in climate and weather prediction models, and replaced by a slowly varying forcing based on an assumption of equilibrium, in which the large scales interact deterministically with the statistical properties of the convection. This is a statistical equilibrium like turbulence or gas kinetics, and to understand how the stochastic component should be incorporated, it is necessary to examine the underlying processes at the "microscopic" level. This talk will develop a statistical characterisation of the convective scale behaviour, given the large scale environment, and show results from tests of the theory using a cloud-resolving model. Specifically, we will consider
  1. The time scale of adjustment to equilibrium
  2. Length scale of the convective variability
  3. Magnitude of the fluctuations about the equilibrium mean
A stochastic convection parameterisation (forcing function) based on this theory is being developed, and some results from single column, radiative-convective equilibrium experiments will be shown.
Zeit: Freitag, 15. April, 2005, 14.15 (Kaffee/Tee um 15.30)
Ort: FU Berlin, Arnimallee 2-6, Raum 032 im EG


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