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Prof. Robert M. Kerr

University of Warwick

Evidence for upscale energy transfer from the atmospheric boundary layer

Abstract: The longitudinal structure function and the longitudinal and transverse second order structure functions, and are determined from atmospheric measurements and simulations. The atmospheric data is from scatterometer measurements of capillary waves on the ocean surface and can be interpreted as velocities in the tropical boundary layer over the ocean. The simulation is of classical Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a wide box. The observational data finds that is positive in the east-west direction where there is a mean flow and negative in the north-south direction. For the wide box, obeys in the center for where is the height of the box, following the expectation for 3D turbulence. This form is roughly followed for small even in the boundary layer. However, at larger scales in the boundary layer obeys , as would be expected for 2D turbulence. Similar changes are seen in the second order structure functions.

Zeit: Freitag, 05. Dezember 2003, 16.00 (Kaffee/Tee um 15.30 p.m.)
Ort: FU Berlin, Arnimalle e 2-6, Raum 032 im EG


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