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Markus Kirkilionis

University of Warwick

Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Cellular Transport and Reaction Systems


Based on the development of new experimental techniques, mainly imaging techniques like FRAP and FRET, cellular transport and reaction processes can be better understood than ever before. Cell biology in general offers a whole range of such important applications (in the end all life depends on this complex machinery) which are challenging mathematical modelling and the performance of existing numerical algorithms. A specific property of cellular structures are their complicated geometry, here just called ?Complex Domains?. The complexity of these cellular domains can now be measured much more accurately with the help of modern imaging and image analysis techniques. It is tempting to combine methods from image analysis and numerical simulations in order to get a better understanding how different molecules, small to large (ions to protein complexes) distribute and react inside the cell. In one part of the talk I will explain how cellular reactions can be modelled with newly developed mathematical tools. Finally numerical methods and simulation frameworks are discussed for the case when reaction and transport are considered simultaneously. Especially grid generation and the resolution limit of micro-structures pose severe problems which will be addressed.
Datum: 15.12.2006
Ort:FU Berlin, Institut für Mathematik II, Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin.
Raum:032 im Erdgeschoss


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