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Oberseminar Numerische Mathematik / Scientific Computing


Oliver Junge

TU München

Transfer operators and mean field approximation in conformation dynamics


We propose a new approach to the transfer operator based analysis of the conformation dynamics of molecules. It is based on a statistical independence ansatz for the eigenfunctions of the operator related to a partitioning into essentially dynamically independent subsystems. First numerical tests performed on small systems show a promising qualitative agreement between mean field and exact model, at greatly reduced computational cost. This is joint work with Gero Friesecke and Péter Koltai (both TUM).

Datum: 10.01.10
Zeit:17:00 Uhr
Ort:FU Berlin, Institut für Mathematik, Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin.
Raum:031 im Erdgeschoss


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