Directions by Train
- Take suburban train S7
in the direction of Ahrensfelde.
- Change trains at Friedrichstraße
- Take suburban train S1in the direction of
- Get off at Botanischer Garten
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is about 15 minutes away by foot.
- Take suburban train S7
in the direction of Ahrensfelde.
- Change trains at Friedrichstraße
- Take suburban train S1 in the direction of
- Get off at Rathaus Steglitz
- Change for the bus X83
in the direction of
- Get off at bus stop Arnimallee.
- For all timetables and routes of the public transportation in Berlin and Brandenburg please see:
Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB).
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is within walking distance, please see the area map of the campus for details:
Area Map Dahlem.
- Walk to the nearby subway station Wilmersdorfer Straße (approx. 3 minutes by foot) and
subway train U7
in the direction of Rudow.
- At Fehrbelliner Platz
change for subway train U3 in the direction of Krumme Lanke
and get off at Dahlem-Dorf.
- For all timetables and routes of the public transportation in Berlin and Brandenburg please see:
Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is within walking distance, please see the area map of the campus for details:
Area Map Dahlem.
- Take suburban train S1
in the direction of Wannsee.
- Get off at Botanischer Garten
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is about 15 minutes away by foot.
Attention: Not all stations on this route are accessible for the disabled!
- Take suburban train S 7
in the direction of Potsdam Hauptbahnhof.
- Change trains at Friedrichstraße
for suburban train S1 in the direction of
Wannsee. Get off at
Botanischer Garten
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is about 15 minutes away by foot.
- For all timetables and routes of the public transportation in Berlin and Brandenburg please see:
Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB).
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is within walking distance, please see the area map of the campus for details:
Area Map Dahlem.
- Take suburban train S 7
in the direction of Potsdam Hauptbahnhof and change trains at
- Take suburban train S 1 in the direction of Wannsee
and get off at Botanischer Garten
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is about 15 minutes away by foot.
- Take suburban train S 7
in the direction of Potsdam Hauptbahnhof and change trains at Friedrichstraße
- Take suburban train S 1 in the direction of
Wannsee and get off at
Rathaus Steglitz
- Change for the bus X83
in the direction of Königin-Luise-Str./Clayallee and get off at
bus stop Arnimallee.
- For all timetables and routes of the public transportation in Berlin and Brandenburg please see:
Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB).
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is within walking distance, please see the area map of the campus for details:
Area Map Dahlem.
Attention: Not all stations on this route are accessible for the disabled!
- Take suburban train S 45
in the direction of S+U Hermannstraße and get off at
Heidelberger Platz
- Change for the subway train U3 in the direction of
Krumme Lanke and get off at Dahlem-Dorf
- For all timetables and routes of the public transportation in Berlin and Brandenburg please see:
Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB).
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is within walking distance, please see the area map of the campus for details:
Area Map Dahlem.
- Take subway train U 7
in the direction of Rudow
- At Fehrbelliner Platz
change for subway train U3
in the direction of Krumme Lanke and get off at
- For all timetables and routes of the public transportation in Berlin and Brandenburg please see:
Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB).
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is within walking distance, please see the area map of the campus for details:
Area Map Dahlem.
- Take suburban train circle-line S41
in the direction of Bahnhof Schöneberg.
- Get off at Heidelberger Platz
- Change for subway train U3
in the direction of Krumme Lanke and get off at
- For all timetables and routes of the public transportation in Berlin and Brandenburg please see:
Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB).
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is within walking distance, please see the area map of the campus for details:
Area Map Dahlem.
- Take suburban train S 1
in the direction of Frohnau/Oranienburg and get off at
Botanischer Garten
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is about 15 minutes away by foot.
- Take suburban train S 1
in the direction of Frohnau/Oranienburg and get off at
Rathaus Steglitz
- Change for the bus X83
in the direction of Königin-Luise-Str./Clayallee and get off at
bus stop Arnimallee.
- For all timetables and routes of the public transportation in Berlin and Brandenburg please see:
Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB).
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is within walking distance, please see the area map of the campus for details:
Area Map Dahlem.
- Take subway train U9
in the direction of Rathaus Steglitz and get off at
- Change trains at Spichernstraße for the
subway train U3 in the direction of
Krumme Lanke and get off at Dahlem-Dorf
Attention: Not all stations on this route are accessible for the disabled!
- Take subway train U9 l
in the direction of Rathaus Steglitz and get off at the terminal stop
Rathaus Steglitz
- Change for the bus X83
in the direction of Dahlem-Dorf and get off at
bus stop Arnimallee aus.
- For all timetables and routes of the public transportation in Berlin and Brandenburg please see:
Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB).
- The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is within walking distance, please see the area map of the campus for details:
Area Map Dahlem.